10th EDF: Modernization of the Health Sector in SVG

10th EDF: Modernisation of the Health Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

On July 14, 2011, the European Union (EU) and the Government of St Vincent and the Grenadines (GoSVG) signed the Financing Agreement for the implementation of the 10th EDF ‘Modernisation of the Health Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines’.

There are three main components of this project: (1) chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCDs) management programme; (2) health services delivery and management improvement; and (3) human resource development. This project is intended to build on the accomplishments of the Government in attaining improved primary health care delivery and to contribute specified resources towards the prevention and management of CNCDs in the form of hypertension, diabetes, cancer, etc. This effort led to the finalisation of the National Wellness Policy and the production of a Wellness Promotion Strategy with targeted interventions based on the results from the National Nutrition and Health Survey also conducted under this project.

The overall objective of the 10th EDF: Modernisation of the Health Sector in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is to improve the delivery of health care services to the people of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.

The project was divided into two (2) phases as follows:

Phase 1

The major activities under this phase are: 1) The Rehabilitation and upgrading of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital and the Mental Health Centre and 2) The construction of 3 doctors’ quarters and a staff’s hostel.

A. The Rehabilitation and upgrading of the Milton Cato Memorial Hospital and the Mental Health Centre

On 11th July, 2014 the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines entered into contract with Hutchinson Construction Company Ltd. (HCCL) for alteration and upgrading of the MCMH (Lot 1) and MHC (Lot 2) at a joint cost of over XCD 9 million. Additionally, on 11th July, 2014, the Government of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines signed a contract with FDL Consult Inc. of St. Lucia to carry out supervision of the works at MCMH and MHC.

  1. MCMH

The works on the MCMH commenced on 18th August, 2014 with an initial implementation period of 12 months. It is anticipated that the final acceptance certificate for the works would be issued in March, 2018.

OT                ICU

Photo 1: Operating Theatre                                           Photo 2: Intensive Care Unit

     2. MHC

Work at the MHC commenced on 13th October, 2014 with an initial implementation period of 12 months. Provisional acceptance was granted on 26th July, 2016 and the facility was subsequently handed over to the MoHWE and officially opened on 6th December, 2016. The defects liability period ended on 25th July, 2017.


B. The construction of 3 doctors’ quarters and a staff’s hostel.

This sub-component consisted of the construction of new residential buildings in Canouan, Chateaubelair and Sandy Bay for the district medical doctors and their families and a staff’s hostel on Union Island.  The staff’s hostel had a 12-month construction period while the others had 6 months.

  1. Union Island

The contractor for this activity was Gibson Construction Ltd. The works commenced on 25th August, 2014 with an associated implementation period of 12 months.  Works are complete.


  1. Chateaubelair

The contract for the works was initially awarded to Fraser Construction Ltd. However, Williams Electronic Services (WES) was later contracted to complete the works. WES commenced work on 21st March, 2016 with an implementation period of 4 months. This works are complete.

  1. Sandy Bay:

This contract was awarded to Williams Electronic Services. The project is complete and the building was officially handed over to the government in February, 2015.

  1. Canouan

This contract was awarded to Frederick Construction Inc. The project is complete.

Phase 2

This sub-component consists of the construction of two (2) new two-storey polyclinics in Mesopotamia (Lot 1) and Buccament (Lot 2).

  1. Lot 1: Construction of Mesopotamia Polyclinic

The contract for the works was awarded to Hutchinson Construction Company Ltd in the sum of XCD 4.6 million and commenced on 25th February, 2015.  The construction period is 18 months. Works are on-going with punch list items being completed.

  1. Lot 2: Construction of Buccament Polyclinic

Franco Construction Ltd was awarded the contract in the sum of XCD 4.4 million. The contract was signed on 28th August, 2014 and work commenced on 13th October, 2014.  The works are complete including all the additional scope.  As a consequence, provisional acceptance issued on the 25th October, 2016, and the defects liability period commenced on 25th October, 2016 for a duration of one (1) year. The defects liability period has ended and the building was handed over to the Ministry of Health, Wellness and the Environment.







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