Special Framework of Assistance (SFA)

In 1999, as the foreseeable withering of the banana regime became clear and in recognition of Lomé IV and Cotonou commitments in support of the ACP banana industry and its access to EU markets, another instrument was created to provide assistance in the transitory period, the Special Framework of Assistance (SFA) to traditional ACP Banana producers, programmed on an annual basis for a period of ten years and using funds form the EC budget. SFA aims at further assisting traditional ACP banana producing countries in their efforts to enhance the competitiveness of their banana producers; diversify their agricultural sector, their human resources and their economies in general; and to create safety nets for former producers.
Funds available to St. Vincent and the Grenadines under this facility were used to develop a more competitive agricultural sector, including the maintenance of the banana industry whilst also emphasising the need to diversify rural income generation and the provision of social recovery for displaced farmers and their families.