Closed Tenders

Addendum 1- Construction Of Doctors' Quarters And Staff Hostel15.3 KiB765
3rd-phase-expansion-of-the-st-vincent-and-the-grenadines-community-college-svgcc74.4 KiB134
Construction-of-doctors-quarter-and-staff-hostel-works-contract-notice167.7 KiB487
Corrigendum No 3 To Tender Dossier34.0 KiB518
Corrigendum N° 2 - Provision Of Equipment And Supplies For The Ministry Of Health26.7 KiB220
Corrigendum To Tender Dossier- Provision Of Equipment And Supplies For The MOH20.5 KiB87
Design-and-supervision-of-construction-services-for-the-svg-hospitality-and-maritime-training-institute106.5 KiB394
-construction-of-the-st-vincent-and-the-grenadines-hospitality-a-maritime-training-institute1.7 MiB180
Addendum No 2 - Alteration And Upgrading Of The MCMH And The MHC2.2 MiB151
Minutes Of The Pretender Meeting For The Alteration And Upgrading Of The MCMH And The MHC459.1 KiB1050
Minutes Of The Pretender Meeting For The Construction Of Doctors' Quarters568.5 KiB1711
Provision Of Equipment & Supplies For The Ministry Of Health573.3 KiB507
Addendum #2 - Construction Of Doctor's Quarters And Staff Hostel1.7 MiB595
Addendum-1-alteration-and-upgrading-of-the-milton-cato-memorial-hospital-lot-1-and-mental-health-centre-lot-21.7 MiB163
Addendum #1 - Construction Of Polyclinics And Doctors Quarter5.2 MiB902
Addendum No 1 - Alteration And Upgrading Of The MCMH And The MHC(2)7.6 MiB183
Addendum No 3 - Alteration And Upgrading Of The MCMH And The MHC2.4 MiB136
Provision-of-equipment-and-supplies-for-the-national-health-and-nutrition-survey(1)2.2 MiB127
Provision-of-equipment-and-supplies-for-the-national-health-and-nutrition-survey9.9 KiB674
Rehabilitation-of-access-roads-to-tourist-sites70.0 KiB562
Revision-1-to-the-tender-dossier-for-the-construction-of-the-svg-hospitality-and-maritime-training-institute216.0 B148
Request-for-clarification-provision-of-equipment-and-supplies-for-the-national-health-and-nutrition-survey18.6 KiB586
Revision-4-to-the-tender-dossier-for-the-construction-of-the-svg-hospitality-and-maritime-training-institute41.8 KiB142
Revision-5-to-the-tender-dossier-for-the-construction-of-the-svg-hospitality-and-maritime-training-institute34.5 KiB528
Provision-of-equipment-and-supplies-for-the-national-health-and-nutrition-survey2.2 MiB133
Tender Dossier SOIL-ENH 20712.4 KiB106
Revision-2-to-the-tender-dossier-for-the-construction-of-the-svg-hospitality-and-maritime-training-institute756.0 KiB99
Revision-3-to-the-tender-dossier-for-the-construction-of-the-svg-hospitality-and-maritime-training-institute1.2 MiB104
Provision-of-equipment-supllies-and-software-to-educational-institutions-throughout-st-vincent-and-the-grenadines547.5 KiB4674
Addendum-2-alteration-and-upgrading-of-the-milton-cato-memorial-hospital-lot-1-and-mental-health-centre-lot-26.2 MiB132
Supply-delivery-and-installation-of-electronic-equipment-for-public-buildings-in-st-vincent1.5 MiB124
TERMS OF REFERENCE BAM Programme Coordinator2.8 MiB539
Soils Report For The Polyclinics And Doctors Quarters14.2 MiB378
MCMHMHC Tender Dossier-FINAL WEBSITE22.7 MiB138
Addendum 2 - Aug 11 2014109.3 KiB110
B-Envelope Pre-Tender Minutes-Jun27 2014241.7 KiB696
Addendum1-Aug 4 20141.8 MiB517
B-Envelope Tender Dossier - FINAL-20146.4 MiB316
Supply and Delivery of Pedigree Small Ruminants for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme760.1 KiB103
Supply and Delivery of Animal Identification Materials for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme761.4 KiB137
Supply and Delivery of Farm Implements for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry739.0 KiB98
Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme28.0 MiB183
Tender dossier_Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment3.6 MiB297
CORRIGENDUM NO 1: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme3.0 MiB114
CORRIGENDUM NO 1: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme3.0 MiB103
CORRIGENDUM No.2: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme88.6 KiB532
CORRIGENDUM No.2: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme88.6 KiB523
Construction of On- Farm Infrastructure for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme21.9 MiB168
Upgrade of an Existing Packing Facility for the Agriculture Development and Modernisation Programme6.6 MiB101
CORRIGENDUM No.3: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme20.2 KiB627
Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme47.6 MiB162
Construction of a Food Science Laboratory for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme10.8 MiB113
CORRIGENDUM No.4: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme10.4 KiB398
CORRIGENDUM No.4: Construction of Feeder Roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme10.4 KiB581
Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a Liquid Nitrogen Plant under the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries, Industry and Industry2.5 MiB82
CLARIFICATION NO.1: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment228.3 KiB771
CORRIGENDUM NO 1: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment112.2 KiB452
CLARIFICATION NO.1: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment228.3 KiB495
CORRIGENDUM NO 1: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment112.2 KiB422
Construction of On-farm infrastructure for livestock for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme5.1 MiB80
CLARIFICATION NO. 1: Construction of feeder roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme323.8 KiB320
CLARIFICATION NO. 1: Construction of feeder roads for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme323.8 KiB534
Applications are invited for the post of Head of Unit, National Authorising Officer Support Unit245.3 KiB892
CLARIFICATION NO.1: Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of a liquid nitrogen plant under the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry6.0 KiB407
CLARIFICATION NO.1: Supply, delivery, installation and commissioning of a liquid nitrogen plant under the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Transformation, Forestry, Fisheries and Industry6.0 KiB427
CLARIFICATION NO.1: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme365.3 KiB363
CLARIFICATION NO.1: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme365.3 KiB491
CORRIGENDUM NO.1: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme361.0 KiB397
CORRIGENDUM NO.2: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme1.5 MiB57
CORRIGENDUM NO.1: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme361.0 KiB773
CORRIGENDUM NO.2: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme1.5 MiB115
ADDITIONAL IRRIGATION DIAGRAMS: Construction of Greenhouse Park Facilities for the Agricultural Development and Modernisation Programme (LOT 4)389.1 KiB381
CORRIGENDUM NO 2: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment128.0 KiB402
CORRIGENDUM NO 2: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment128.0 KiB510
CORRIGENDUM NO 3: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment50.0 KiB697
CORRIGENDUM NO 3: Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment50.0 KiB479
Contract Notice_Provision of equipment and supplies to the Ministry of Health Wellness and the Environment85.5 KiB577